Garage, Gis & Glor1a

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Words By: Luc Hinson
Photography: Leanne George 

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We were blessed to be able to sit down for a chat with singer Glor1a, in the discussion that follows below we touched on pure garage 3, Japanese street style and our continual journey of self-discovery. Read the interview in full below!

Q: What does music mean to you? 

It's a hard but easy question. Music is my existence, it runs through my veins and it has interpreted my personality I reckon. Its hard to explain but it can make me feel any emotion, as well as heightened emotions too! It has helped me through some pretty dark times, as i was able to create music to make myself feel better which feels pretty great.

Q: Gloria, what would you describe as the biggest influences on your music? 

Three things:

Power ballads - I grew up listening to Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion. Their amazing strong and powerful voices filled my house from ever since I can remember. My mum loved it and I think it's influenced the way I sing and what I sing about. Its cool to show emotion, a lot of it haha.

90’s/ 00’s rnb - I can't help it but I bloody loved the attitudes of the 90’s rnb singers like TLC, Janet Jackson, Lil Mo, Tweet. They all had sass but took no BS and the melodies I really resonate with.

My Friends - I have a growing group of amazing friends who have influenced my music taste. When i was growing up i only had access to mainstream music, i think the most diverse i got was MTV base and my pure garage 3 cd! Over the years my friends have introduced me to more black music such as reggae, dub,  dancehall, traditional folk drumming and singing and i love the heavy drums and basslines they all have. I'm also addicted to dancing around and this music really makes you dance so it's an ever evolving influence in my music.

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Q: How about your identity, its ever evolving but so far what would you cite as the biggest influences on your identity?  

My musical identity:

I am so fortunate to be able to change my hair whenever I want, and i would say my hair is a peek into the inside of Glor1a, I express so much on my head and its usually reflective to what im feeling at the time. Kind of like a lion's mane, for a fierce start to 2018! My style is forever changing but right now i'm influenced by Japanese street style.

My identity:  

I grew up in a predominantly white area, I think i was 1 of 10 people of colour in my school at the time. Since then I have been trying to find more of my cultural identity through meeting people from similar heritage and getting to know my identity through friendship, food and music.

Q: Give us three words to describe who you are  


Q: What does Britishness mean to you in the 21st Century?  

A massive melting pot of all cultures mixed up into a beautiful mess. Britain has been built on migrants since it became an industrial country, and I hope this continues. Britain has such a rich and diverse culture which needs to be celebrated. There is nowhere in the world as integrated as London.

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Q: If you weren’t involved in music, what other medium of expression would you use?  

I would do spoken word and poetry. Lyrics are essentially poems that have been written to a beat.. is this cheating picking a poet then? Haha. If I have to pick something else I would be a dancer, fierce and explosive krump style, breakdancing vibes.

Q: If you could give any one piece of advice to a young person struggling with their identity/ feeling like they don’t belong what would it be? 

Your circumstance does not define who you are. If you are struggling with the position you are in because people around you seem different, embrace their differences but also reach out to people from similar heritage/ family members and find out more about where you are from. The internet is AMAZING and we can connect with anyone in the world anywhere, there will be people out there who feel similar to you. Go on a self discovery journey!

Q: What can we expect from you in 2018?  

Lots!! I've just finished shooting my first live music video for a track called “Paper Thin” set to come out on bandcamp/ spotify in April. I have a couple of dates in London in March and April then my first headline show in Prague on the 20th April. I will be going on a new european tour the back end of this year. Watch this space!

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