In Conversation: Jazz Ingram

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Words By: Luc Hinson
Photography: Kelsey Healey

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We caught up with Atlanta based musician Jazz Ingram on the release of his latest album - SEX. Catch our conversation in full below and be sure to give it a listen. 

BB: So Jazz, Sex is out on the 25th, can you tell us a bit about what went into the project, and what can we expect?

JI: I had the name before the anything else. I hit kobe and expressed that he should come to Atlanta. He flew in around September I believe. We had 3 songs off the project done at the time. When he arrived we kinda isolated to my room during the day and tried to first understand what made our previous project “a record entitled, FORREST” sound and feel like it did. so that we could really breathe fresh life into “sex.” We made 4 songs in Atlanta. This project on my end (vocals) is more specific, I took from the persona I created on the song “f33l” from “a record entitled, FORREST”. It’s mature. I think my perspective is like standing face to face with the “game” or music industry.

BB: How has your sound and approached changed or developed since the days of Baby New Years?

Specificity. I’ve learned over time how to put more of myself into a song. My favourite art is an imitation or interpretation of life, and in my latter years I try to make records that sound like I’m in the room with you. Whereas when I started I was creating for the sake of creating. Not to say that my motives are different now. Speaking more to the point that I have the ability to take a deeper dive into what it is I want my audience to feel when listening. More thought.

BB: Jazz, what are the main influences on your sound and creative process?

Breakfast is a big part of my creative process. I always get breakfast before I make songs. Funk, fluidity, and youth certainly impact my sound recently.

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"I couldn’t tell you what my identity is. I’ve always found it easier to pin point what I know I’m not rather than what I am."

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Pictured: Jazz Ingram
Photographer: Kelsey Healey

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BB: What are the main contributing factors to your identity?

JI: Blackness

The internet (like the world wide web)

The human experience

BB: Is your identity something you hear reflected in your work?

JI: Yes but funny thing is, I couldn’t tell you what my identity is. I’ve always found it easier to pin point what I know I’m not rather than what I am.

BB: What does home mean to you?

JI: Home is where the heart is, but really its wherever my mom lives.

BB: I guess moving to and growing up in Atlanta you’ve been surrounded by an inherently musical environment, how has growing up in Atlanta impacted you, both musically and personally?

JI: musically: swag

personally: swag

BB: What does music give you?

JI: Something to do. Whether I’m making music, dancing to music, crying to music, laughing to music…even discussing music.

BB: if you weren’t a musician how would you express your creativity?

JI: I’d still act. That’s what I was doing before I started making music seriously. I got accepted (with almost a full ride) into Interlochen (boarding school for arts) when I was a junior, but I turned it down to make baby new years.

BB: What does 2019 hold for Jazz Ingram?

JI: I have a 6 month plan and when those 6 months are up, I guess I’ll make another one. The plan is very loose more like a destination. I like to be in the present for the most part.

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