In Conversation: Jaguar

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Words by Luc HinsonArtwork by Netti Hurley

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With a reputation for platforming emerging talent that precedes her. 24-year-old broadcast DJ Jaguar, with regular shows on Reprezent, Worldwide, Red Bull Music and hosting gigs for Mixmag, has a sphere of influence that continues to swell. A dedicated LGBTQI+ activist committed to promoting inclusivity and equality, Jaguar is using her growing profile to champion diversity at a societal and individual level. We caught up with Jaguar to delve into her love of music, passion for activism and hopes for the coming years.

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BB: Jaguar, you’ve had a rapid rise, and have supported some industry giants. With a sizeable age difference between yourself and many of your peers, have you ever felt your age as a barrier in the industry?

J: I’ve never thought of my age as a barrier. I’m 24 and it’s safe to say I’m still discovering things about life and myself and the industry, but I like to think I bring a fresh perspective to things. My favourite thing to do is to unearth new music, but I’m also still learning about the legacy and history of music that was around before I was born, so that’s exciting too!

BB: Who or what do you credit for your involvement in music, where did the passion come from?

J: I’ve always loved all kinds of music! My favourite thing to do when I was younger was discover new music online or in new music magazines and show all my friends. My family weren’t particularly musical, but I started to play a few instruments like piano (this very short lived!) and I played the oboe for a while when I was younger. My older brother introduced me to a lot of artists like The Chemical Brothers and Timberland when I was young, I’d always make him put his new music on my ipod. I was also obsessed with my walkman and collecting CDs when I was really young. 

My love of dance music came when I went to uni in Leeds and properly started going out to places like Wire, Canal Mills and Beaverworks. I fell in love with the underground electronic scene, and was playing a lot of it on my student radio shows, so I naturally progressed to learning how to mix as time went on.

BB: In your time at Leeds, you became renowned for platforming emerging talent, what do you look for in a new artist?

J: I always look for authenticity. You can tell straight away when someone is trying to follow a trend or aren’t being themselves, but saying that, it can also take a while to find your feet and find your own style - whether you’re a DJ or an artist. When you do reach that point and you’ve found your usp, then you’re onto something!

I also love making personal connections with the artists I meet, so if they’re genuinely a nice person, that makes it even better. It’s so important to be pleasant to work with, and if you’re rude then it’s a major turn off. I am a big believer in karma and you will be treated well and with respect if you give that out to the world.

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BB: You’re a vocal spokesperson for the LGBTQI+ community, there’s a strong legacy of allyship within dance music culture, but how can we best progress towards equality outside of the industry? 

J: I believe in equality for all and championing diversity. Whoever you are, whatever walk of life you come from, you should be treated with the respect and love that you deserve. I genuinely feel like it’s about teaching people about, and opening their eyes to life from multiple points of view, so they can see that different types of people are out there. Hate and inequality stem from ignorance, so we have to keep pushing to enlighten people and make them recognise discrimination. 

BB: What makes music so effective at fostering a sense of community and bringing people from different backgrounds together? 

J: It’s the dancefloor. It’s that feeling of togetherness and just losing yourself in a shared space. I feel so free and full of love when I’m in a rave. It’s like being on an adventure in this new world, and for a moment you can forget about everything else in your life, your focus is the music and having a great time with friends old and new.

BB: What does ‘Home’ mean to you? 

J: It’s somewhere you can be yourself and be safe.

BB: What’s the first thing you think of when I say Britishness?

J: Pints, pints, pints!

BB: What are your plans for the rest of 2019 and beyond?

J: More of the same! I want to upscale my radio shows, keep pushing new music, play awesome gigs and continue world domination. 

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