In Conversation: Ella McMurray

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Words by Nathan TuftArtwork by Tom Shotton

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Being creative in isolation can’t be easy. But singer/songwriter Ella McMurray is using the time to create, regularly sharing videos of her writing and performing new material. Pre-lockdown, she was performing in and around the capital, amazing crowds with her soulful songs of relationships and heartbreak. We caught up with Ella to talk about her music, why she loves to perform live and how she is coping in isolation…

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NT: With regards to singing, was it something that you were focused on chasing or fell into?

EM: Singing has been something I've loved and done continuously since I was young and just focused on that as a hobby at first. However songwriting is something I fell into when I was about 15, I began casually writing down my thoughts as an outlet, and alongside playing piano as a hobby I just started to sing my own random melodies - this then turned into songwriting and I fell in love with it! As a teenager I never thought it was something I could take further than a hobby but as the years went on, I started to play live and share my music and that’s when I realised I could make it into a career.

NT: How would you describe your musical soundscape and who are your musical influences?

EM: In terms of soundscape, I’d say I’m really open and still exploring all of the possibilities my music has. So my soundscape is a mad mixture of everything really! I have naturally taken inspiration from idols of mine for sure, but my musical influences literally change everyday with people from different genres. I’d say generally my biggest influences have been Billie Holiday, Miguel, Rihanna, Amy Winehouse. Also, not directly into lyrics but over the years a lot of rap has played a huge part in me finding confidence in music; people like 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg and J Cole.

NT: With the move to London, was music part of that decision and what big differences or opportunities have you seen become available?

EM: I actually live in Oxford currently as I finish up my Sport Degree, but I basically live in London. I am back and forth constantly for music, sessions, meetings so it never stops! The opportunities London has for music just aren’t available anywhere else and London has an energy which makes the UK music industry so exciting. I will be moving to London this summer and will be fully engrossed in London’s music scene which I can’t wait for.

NT: You featured on Isaiah Dreads song ‘Clouds’ at the back end of last year - how did that collaboration come about and were you happy with the finished product?

EM: This is a story I love actually! I first stumbled across Isaiah at Reading Festival 2015, I was on my own trying to find my friends and went into the BBC Introducing tent. He was on stage and he was sick. I then followed him on social media and stayed linked with what he was doing with music, we spoke on occasions about our music and then in 2018 he suggested a collaboration. We went back and forth with the track and lyrics I was writing, then I came to the studio in London and recorded it. The track is sick, it was a really exciting project for me to be on especially as I was just entering the music industry. 

NT: Talking of collaborations, if you could pick two current artists to work with on a track, who would it be and why?

EM: This is difficult because I could name so many; but, J Cole is one for sure. He has been someone I've admired musically and lyrically since I was a teenager. His music has mad variation, taste and projects messages of truth and importance. Also, I would love to collaborate with H.E.R. - I find her music extremely therapeutic to listen to and I relate to so many of her lyrics. I think our tones would compliment each other, singing with her would be incredible. 

NT: On a number of your tracks, there are themes of uncertain relationships and at times, regret. Do you find writing as a form of emotional therapy when looking back on past love?

EM: Without a doubt. Music is one of the purest forms of therapy, just unloading all of my thoughts onto paper where they can become a little clearer. The songwriting is one part of the emotional outlet but also just the feeling of playing piano and expressing my feelings in the moment is special, particularly during times of struggle.

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NT: You’ve been performing regularly over the past few months, featuring on Nasty Poet’s IWD Showcase and the Project : FEMME night. Why is performing live so important as a singer and what do you get out of performing live?

EM: Performing live is where it all starts. That’s how music started in the first place - sharing something beautiful with other people that you can connect over. The only thing I ever really spent my money on as a child and teenager was gigs and festivals, so I always really appreciated live music and found that audiences appreciate you as an artist if you can share live music with them. 

NT: You’ve also already smashed your first international gig with a festival in Belgium - what was the vibe like out there and what other international locations would you like to perform at?

EM: I absolutely loved Lemme Live in Belgium, it was a sick little excursion for me to lighten up a really tough period of time. The people, the festival as a whole and the feeling of my music taking me somewhere so beautiful was a blessing. I would like to perform all over the world, I have always wanted to see the world, so I'm going to do my utmost so that my music career can take me all over. I think other European countries will be next on my list to play in.

NT: With the current lockdown situation, how can you ensure that you stay connected to your fans and the outside world in general?

EM: This situation is a difficult one for many, but I feel extremely lucky that we have the internet and social media to keep us connected. I am quite active on social media, particularly Instagram, and I like to share my piano practise, songwriting, beat making, singing and producing whenever possible. In a time like this where we have a lot of time, I like to share parts of my music process to try and bring people together. 

NT: You’ve also been posting that quarantine has allowed you time to work on some tracks - when are you next planning to drop something and what can be expected?

EM: These circumstances have definitely allowed for more time to explore creatively more independently, so hearing the different influences I mentioned earlier changing and inspiring me everyday has been great. Currently I have no set dates to drop music as I don’t want to rush the process, but expect to hear some sick music when I do. 

NT: With the rest of 2020 in uncertainty, what do you want to say you have achieved by the end of the year?

EM: I want to say I've grown as much as an artist as possible, as everyday brings something new for me. I also want to have understood myself as an artist more, like what I want my music to portray, how I want to bring all of these possibilities together to make unforgettable music. I want to push myself more than I ever have before to get to where I want to be, so that I am confident in my journey. And I want to say I have a banging project on the way!

Follow Ella’s journey via Instagram here

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