Between Borders X Lagoon Zine

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Between Borders X Lagoon Zine

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Words By: Luc Hinson

Photography: Olga Maksimovica 

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We sat down with Zooey Gleaves & Olga Maksimovica, the pair behind Lagoon Zine. Zooey, Olga and Luc discussed the motivation behind the Zine, its contents, old farty white men and of course Prestige Pak which you can read more about here.  The Zine is launching at the end of this month, but before you can grab a copy explore the motivation behind the zine in our interview. You can keep up to date with all things Lagoon Zine by following the link below:

BB: Give us a brief bio, what were your backgrounds before this zine, how did you meet?

OM: I am Russian (born in Latvia) and came to the U.K. seven years ago. I went to Goldsmiths and studied photography there. Zooey and I met through mutual friends in radio.

ZG: I was born and raised in the UK. I was working in nightlife and fashion and we were introduced by the very talented Sherelle!

BB: Where did the idea of the Zine come from?

OM: The day we met we had dinner with our friends and Zooey and I spoke briefly - when he showed me his drag selfies on Instagram I knew that we HAVE to take some portraits with him. We then had a shoot in my garden and then decided to take it to the next level… We spent all summer planning and shooting the looks, thinking about the story we want to tell

ZG: I knew from the first picture we took that we could develop a really amazing portfolio of pictures, but from there it snowballed into the monster it is now!

BB: can you give us a sneak peek, what can we expect to see in the zine?

OM: The LOOKS, obviously! And a whole lot of work from very talented people, interviews with some of the biggest influencers in the LGBTQ+ scene today. Hopefully, something that you haven’t seen before. A glossy magazine with a smirk, a fashion guide with a shade. Put your reading glasses on and get reading!

ZG: Its a real mixture of a classic high fashion editorial with elements of the absurd! We really wanted it to be full of humour and as well as a feast for the eyes, and there are details worked into every aspect!

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Pictured: Zooey Gleaves 
Photography: Olga Maksimovica 

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Pictured: Zooey Gleaves 
Photography: Olga Maksimovica 

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BB: Why did you choose a zine format for the presentation of this work?

OM: There are no rules when it comes to creating a zine, and for a community that does not want to fit in a box, this is perfect! The content is what matters and hopefully, it will speak for itself!

ZG: It also serves the purpose of being a collectors item! I like the idea of permanence, something that exists outside of the internet!

BB: As creatives, to what extent would you say your identity is reflected in your work?

OM: There is no way of creating something that you care about and not having a part of you in it. All the photos I have taken of Zooey say something about me and have a part of me in them. Photography is capturing our personal view and attitude. Photos of Zooey are not just the constructed looks, but a combination of his identity, the message we want to send and how I, as a photographer see the combination of both. The most important part is for all the intentions we had in mind to come across to the reader when they flip through the zine - I would consider it a success.

ZG: My identity is my work! I think as I work with this alter-ego more there will become more of a separation, I hope so anyway!

BB: What would you two say are the major contributing factors to your identity?

OM: My roots and the construction of the self - are the two things that make me who I am. I know where I come from, I embrace my immigrant ‘otherness’ proudly, but it does not fully define me. I am constructing myself through everything I do every day. For me, identity is fluid, we grow and change every day, but there is a core that remains more or less constant - it’s made up of one’s quintessential values and beliefs.

ZG: The more i dwell on it I think my queerness shapes my identity above all else, as it is all-encompassing! That’s the best thing about being queer, it is found in every aspect of life!

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"Rich, farty old white men with liver spots and bad breath telling young people what they can and can’t do with their bodies and their lives."

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BB: What does Britishness mean to you in the 21st Century?

OM: Brexit.

ZG: Anger, frustration, but also hope. I look at all of the people that I know and everyone who i’ve met, especially in 2018, as am inspired by their creativity, community and humour, especially with what faces all of us!

BB: What do you think is the biggest obstacle to integration in Britain right now?

OM: Brexit. No, seriously. I lived here for 7 years now and as a creative, I did a lot of different jobs just to support myself. I absolutely love this country, but it is hard to have to prove yourself every day and feel like you are not wanted here. I am in the process of getting a citizenship and it isn’t an easy process… But at the end of the day, the only real obstacle is ourselves. People forget about the basics - in the individualistic society that it is, we are more lonely than ever. As basic as it sounds, we just need to remember how to see people for people and not barriers to our success or the way out of the tube.

ZG: Rich, farty old white men with liver spots and bad breath telling young people what they can and can’t do with their bodies and their lives.

BB: We see you’re throwing a party to celebrate the launch, tell us more...

OM: The party is organised by Prestige Pak, it will have a great line up and you will be able to purchase a fresh and shiny copy of the Lagoon Zine at a friendly price! From 8-10 there will be a free exhibition of the work included in the zine at The Prince of Peckham, followed by a high energy party until 2 am, hosted by Lagoon with Nadine Artois (Pxssy Palace), Jay Jay Revlon and Prestige Pak Resident DJ’s! P.S. A very limited amount of tickets for the party will be made available soon…

BB: Zooey, what’s your role In the Pak, give us your origins story

ZG: My role in the Pak is as host and performer! I was doing the door and performing at a party in Bristol called Elektrobeast, and when we all got back from uni Rob, Cesca and Hugo had formed PP and asked if I wanted in and I did!

BB: how important do you think inclusion and tolerance are in the music genres you navigate, namely bashment?

ZG: I would say that I don’t navigate bashment within my role as in the Pak, and that I probably bring in more of a queer influence with music from NY and Chicago! Lil C however is the famous bashment queen, and she has said that although bashment isn’t necessarily the most inclusive of musical genres, her playing that genre reclaims its Homophobia and makes it music that queers can celebrate to, instead of shy away from!!!

BB: Lastly, and most importantly, When and where is the party??

OM: When: 30th November 8 pm - 2 am

Where: Prince of Peckham, 1 Clayton Road, SE15 5JA London, United Kingdom

How much: £5 (keep an eye on the FB event: Prestige Pak Presents: Lagoon Zine Launch Party)

You can stay up to date with all things Lagoon zine on the links below.




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