Interview: Luke Dawes, Only Jerkin'

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FoodWords By: Luc HinsonIllustration By: Tom Shotton

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BB: Set the scene, Sunday round your house growing up, what would you hear, see and smell 

 LD: My Sundays growing up was Sunday school and a jerk chicken roast hybrid! Always at the table with my siblings (older brother and sister), mum and dad, oh and a plate of food that is still my favourite to date! Crispy skin jerk chicken thighs, rice n pea, swede and parsnip mash, boiled yam, roast potatoes, greens and jerk gravy that might just be better than Only Jerkin's. 😉 A plate that could only be started after my dad gave thanks (prayer) and was followed by some light hearted chats and laughs.BB: If you could give anyone struggling with their identity, not knowing where they fit in, one piece of advice what would it be? LD: Don't try and fit in. Just be you! Understand that you shouldn't have to look for an identity and look for places to fit in. Be accepting of everyone and expect the same in return. Be proud of your background, ethnicity and beliefs but don't let it completely dictate who you are or want to be.BB: And lastly let us know where and when we can grab your munch! LD: You can find only jerkin 7 days a week in London so plenty chance to grab that munch!Available at:

Kerb Camden Market: 7 Days a Week 11-7  Kerb Lunchtime Markets: Wed-Fri 11.30-2Street Food Union, Soho: Wed-Fri 11.30-3 


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